The following procedure comes from American Hoodoo. It is most efficacious when conducted during the dark of the moon. To cause snakes and worms to grow inside a person’s stomach, collect the bodies of snakes and worms and cook them in a cauldron over a flame until they are reduced to an ashy powder. Remember, it is not the physical contents of this formula that results in the growth of live things in the body, rather it is the will of the conjurer. As you bake and pulverize the powder, conjure the elements and project this force, tinged with malice into the ashes. Direct the energy within it by instructing it to carry out your purpose Then, place it on your altar, light a black candle and invoke the power of a spirit you customarily work with to imbue this ash with its power. Make a payment to the spirit upon the altar for their service to you. Continue to pray over this ash for three consecutive nights, Then, seal it in an envelope and send it to your enemy. Alternatively, place it where your enemy must touch it or walk through it. If none of this is possible, use this ash to influence your enemy through sympathetic magic by applying it to an image of him or her.

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