Following black magic spell is used to stop your enemy from succeeding in every work. To frustrate every aspect of an enemy’s life, perform the following spell on a Saturday during the dark of the moon.

You will need the following items:-

Cloth doll that represents your enemy

Black veil

Small piece of paper Pen with black ink

Bitter aloes

Cayenne pepper


Black thread

Black cord

Method of performing this black magic spell is – Write the person’s name on a slip of paper with black ink. Rip open the back of a doll that represents the person and put the paper with the name on it along with bitter aloes and cayenne pepper. Sew the hole with black Using the cord, tie the hands of the doll behind its back and place a black veil over its face, knotting it behind the head so that the person this doll represents will always be blind, make the wrong decisions and hinder himself from progressing by his own confusion. Place the doll in a kneeling position in a dark corner where it will not be disturbed.

How this Black magic Spell for enemy works?

As long as this object remains there untouched, the victim will continue to be frustrated in all his endeavors thread.


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