Many of the most powerful saints are folk saints who were never recognized by the Catholic Church and those who have been banned and removed from canonization, These saints are either powerful egregores or powerful spirits in their own right. If you establish a long-term relationship with any of the saints, they will be available to you when you need them. Purchase a statue, obtain a prayer card or medallion and burn a candle dedicated to them once per week.

More complex operations involving the saints typically involve performing a novena, which is simply a series of prayers conducted over a period of nine days in succession. For a novena, you may use nine candles and allow one to burn out each day. Or, you may snuff out the candle and burn it for an hour or so over the course of the nine nights.

The following saints are very powerful and flexible, so they can be employed for a variety of purposes:

  1. St. Expedite
  2. St. Expedite Oil
  3. St. Expedite Incense
  4. St. Raymond Nonnatus
  5. Santa Muerte or Holy Death

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