Perform this spell to punish or dominate an enemy by causing nightmares.

It is best performed at night whenever you believe your enemy to be asleep. Phobetor (also, called Ikelos), Morpheus and Phantasus are Greek spirits of dreams called the Oneimi who dwell in the Underworld. The most frightful of the three is Phobetor, the son of Nyx, the primordial Goddess of the Night. His name means “fright” and he is the personification of fear, itself. He is a shapeshifter who feeds on the fear generated during nightmares and he can assume any shape. When you visualize Phobetor, see him as a dark spirit with the wings of a bat.

You will need the following items:

  • Black candle
  • Mugwort dried
  • Thorn or needle with which to make an inscription
  • Wine

Method of performing Black Magic Spell to Cause Nightmares:-

Inscribe the name of your enemy on the candle. Light a small amount of mugwort as incense and candle through the smoke. Then, light the candle and invoke Phobetor using the following incantation: Linvoke thee, Phobetor, and bid thee arise from thy wasting place in the Underworld and accept this offering wine. I conjure and adjure you to go to N. and torment him with thy Holy presence in the shape of the things he most fears. Whenever he sleeps, let him see thee in thy most frightful form. When he wakes, let his mìnd be filled with visions of horror and dread. If you wish to dominate your enemy, ask Phobetor to haunt and torment him until he behaves the way you want him to, as follows. I do conjure and adjure thee to let N. have no peace whether he is asleep or awake, but haunt and torment him until he succumbs to my will. So be it. Amen.

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