If you have a spirit that you want to dispatch or simply get rid of, whether it is a thought-form or an imp, you can easily do so by transferring it to an enemy by means of an object.

You will need the following items:

Pretty handkerchief

A clear crystal gemstone or a fresh, unboiled egg Coins or paper money Shells, dried flower blossoms or glass beads
(optional) Ribbon

Mentally, transfer the spirit into a clear crystal gemstone or a fresh, unboiled egg. You may do this by rolling the egg or the stone over your forehead, your heart, across your back, down your spine, at your genital the region, at your knees and your feet. Then, speak to the spirit who has now been transferred into this object, as follows:

N., you are going to a new home where you will find pleasure and sustenance with your knew host who will gladly welcome you. Place the gemstone or the egg into the center of the handkerchief along with a few coins or paper money. Optionally, add a few pretty things, such as glass beads, Potpourri or small shells to make the gift more attractive. Then, bind it loosely with a piece of ribbon and leave it where your enemy will most certainly find it. Whoever touches the gift next will receive the spirit you transferred into the object. Your enemy will have the troublesome spirit and you will be free.

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