Recite the following incantation to cause between enemies who are presently friends with each other or who are members of a group or organization which is hostile to your interests.

You must first gain mastery over this mantra by infighting repeating it 100,000 times, as follows:

  • Оm namо паrayana Amukasya amuken vidvesham kuru kuru swaha.

Pronunciation: “Aum nahm-oh nah-rah-yah-na Am-oo-ka-sah-yah ah-muh-ken vid-vay-sham ko0- roo koo-roo swah-ha.”

After you have mastered it, you may use it by repeating it only 108 times and tailoring it toward your enemies, as follows:

  • Om namo narayana [Insert the name of your enemy vidvesham kuru kuru swaha.]

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