If you have two or more enemies, use this spell to cause them to fight each other and destroy their friendship. This spell can, also, be used to break unromantic couples.

You will need the following items:

  • Black-figure candles (one to represent each party involved) Personal effects
  • Needle or thorn with which to make an inscription Rage of Fury Oil
  • 20 or more straight pins with red or blackheads

Method of Black Magic Spell to Make Enemies Fight Each Other-

Inscribe the name of each party on the candle that represents him or her. Carve out the bottom of the candle and place the corresponding personal effects on the bottom. Then, seal the hole with wax. Anoint the candles with Rage of Fury Oil. One at a time, dip a straight pin into some of this oil and insert it into various parts of the candle, especially, the head, the heart, and the genital region. As you insert each pin, feel the rage building in that part of the person’s body As you insert a pin in the head, say: Your mind is pierced with suspicion and the memories of past injustices formed against you. As you insert a pin in the heart, say: Your heart is pierced with fear and loathing. As you insert a pin in the loins, say: Your loins are pierced with a killing rage. After you have placed what you feel is a sufficient number of pins in various areas of the candles, arrange them so they are facing each other and draw a circle around them, so that they are energetically confined to the same space. Then say: You who were once close friends are now the fiercest foes. Fight each other ’til you die! Then, light the candles and allow them to burn for a little while before snuffing them consecutive nights, light the candles, again, and allow them to burn a little more before snuffing them out. O the ninth night, when the candles have burned down completely, gather the refuse and bury it in a cemetery near the roots of a gnarled old tree or one that has bee
struck by lightning.

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