Sometimes we speak of only the four elements, each of which is derived from the fifth element or the akashic in force. Once you have sufficient akashic energy your system, as you will acquire from regular practice from the previous meditation, you can very easily conjure the four elements. Using an anchor makes the process nearly automatic.

The following is an anchor for the four elements or the “four names of god” as represented by the Tetragrammaton: The Tetragrammaton comes from the first four elements and the top portion of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, represented by the Hebrew letters, Yod-Heh-Vau- Heh, which are commonly pronounced “Jehovah.” The Holy Spirit may be seen as the fifth element. This is an invocation of the creative force, which immediately produces very powerful energy that can be applied for any magical purpose. The elements are symbolically represented by the cross. It is an important power symbol that has been adopted by the Christians, but it does not belong to them any more than making the Sign of the Cross belongs to the Catholic Church in Rome. Its meaning and power are much older than that and both have Kabbalistic significance.

The top point of the cross represents the element of fire; its opposite point at the bottom represents the element of water; the point on the left represents the element of air, and its opposite point on the right represents the element of earth. When you make the Sign of the Cross, you energize four important energy (chakra) centers and activate the Cour elements. You may do this in Hebrew or in English: the meaning of the words is nearly the same: The Hebrew words are: “Ateh Malkuth ve-Geburah ve-Gedulah Leolam. Amen.” The English words are: “Thou art the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.” To make the sign of the cross, place your index and middle finger against your thumb.

As you touch the center of your forehead, say “Ateh” (ah-TEH) (Thou art). As you touch your solar plexus, say “Malkuth” (mahl-KOOT) (the kingdom). As you touch your left shoulder, say “Ve-Geburah” (veh-geh-BOO-rah) (and the power). As you touch your right shoulder, say “Ve-Gedulah” (veh-geh-DOO-lah) (and the glory). Finally, press your palms and fingertips together to make an energy circuit and say, “Leolam” (le-o-LAHM) (forever) “Amen.” As you do this visualize the four elements coming together to create the fifth element, either. After you condition yourself to this short ritual, it will help you to get into the proper state of mind very quickly. Along with energizing these centers of the body, It functions as a self-hypnotic anchor to activate the elements very quickly.

If you have a strong aversion to what appears to be Christian symbolism, you may wish to substitute a short ritual of your own. This anchoring device can be a combination of gestures and words of your own design, which serve the same purpose. Ceremonial magicians have a number of procedures for invoking the elements before working, the best known are from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. But, before using any ritual, it is important to have a more than a superficial understanding of and experience with the elements through meditation. Only after this is established will any ritual, including the one above, be very effective. Before you begin any spell or other magical operation, activate or invoke the elements. This will increase the power and efficacy of your spells and other workings.

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